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How to Study Spanish to Get Powerful Results (4 Proven Methods)

Finding language tutors to study spanish is a fairly straight forward process. Finding the right language tutor is a whole different ball game.

Finding language tutors to study spanish is a fairly straight forward process.Finding the right language tutor is a whole different ball game.

With the advent of technology, there’s more options than ever to learn and practice languages. Although having more options can be great, choosing the wrong one results in wasted money and time that you could easily save.

Let’s explore some of the most effective options available to study spanish and you can decide which one is right for you.


In-person Spanish Tutoring


How to Find One

  • Google: “Private [Language] Tutors in [Your City]”
  • Craigslist & Other Classified Ads


ProsPrivate tutoring is great if you’re looking for a more interactive experience, especially if you’re used to in-person learning. It can also be easier to pay attention to the smaller details such as hand gestures and pronounciations.


ConsThe big hesitation for most people when it comes to in-person tutoring is the cost. Because of the time and attention it requires for private tutors to meet and engage in-person, they normally charge anywhere from $15 to $20 on average. Scheduling the time nad place can also cause some issues because of the need to meet in-person.


Recommended for:Private in-person tutoring is ideal for when you’re first starting out as a beginner, and you have a busy lifestyle. Having someone who is available to work around your schedule and meet you in-person will keep you accountable and motivated when you’re initially starting out.


Language Schools


How to Find One

  • Google: “Language Schools in [City]” or “[Language] Language Schools”
  • Craigslist & Other Classified Ad
  • GoAbroad
  • IALC


ProsThe main benefit of language schools is that it allows you to meet and learn with a group of fellow language learners. This is a great option if you’ve just arrived to a new country and you’re looking for a social experience with other travelers. Because of the intensity of many language schools (i.e. daily classes), it’s also great if you want to learn as much as you can in a short span of time.


ConsLearning in a group means you’ll receive less attention, and the progress of the class will heavily depend on the skill level of others in the class. Given the business structure of most language schools, you’ll often have to pay just as much, if not more than private tutors.


Recommended for:Going with language schools is recommended if you’re seeking intense learning in a short span of time. This is particularly common when you’re traveling in a new country or planning to travel to one in the near future.


Conversation Exchanges


How to Find One


ProsFor anyone who does not have the budget to invest in language learning, this is a viable option because it’s free. It does involve patience and time, but it’s possible to make it work if you’re not interested in paying for a solution.


ConsGiven that it is called a conversation “exchange,” you do need to give back your time to help your partner. A common structure is to spend the first half the time on one language and the last half on the other. This is not an ideal solution if you don’t have the luxury of time, as it also takes additional time to filter out and connect with the right conversation partner(s).


Recommended for:Conversation exchanges are mainly used for people looking to maintain their skills and have the patience to give back their time as well. It’s popular amongst hobbyist language learners, who are looking more to chat with people from other countries.


Online Spanish Lessons

How to Find OneFinding an online tutor is as easy as searching online by typing in the keywords you’re looking for.

For example if you’re looking to learn Spanish, you can type “Spanish tutor online” and you’ll receive a listing of private tutors offering their services. Because online tutoring is not location dependent, you don’t need to type in a specific location.

You can go to Rype to practice your Spanish with one of our trained tutors.


ProsThe benefits of online tutoring are endless. You can take lessons at a time of your convenience, learn at the comfort of your home, and speak with tutors from anywhere across the world. There’s also many more options to work with as online learning is not location dependent.


ConsAlthough this isn’t a problem for most, the main downfall of online tutoring may be the lack of connection they feel with the tutors, particularly if they’re used to in-person learning. However, as long as you have optimal internet connection, you’ll be able to receive the same, quality of tutoring online.


Recommended for:Online tutoring is great for language learners who are looking to maintain or improve their skills on their own time. The convenience of learning at the comfort of your home allows you to be flexible, and practice on your own time.


How Should You Study Spanish?

There’s no right or wrong option here to study Spanish, as it solely depends on your own situation, skill level, and learning preferences.

If you’re just starting to learn, and you’re looking to improve in a short span of time, we recommend private in-person tutoring or language schools. If you’re intermediate or advanced, and you’re looking to improve or practice on your own time, we recommend online tutoring or conversation exchanges.

Luckily, if you’re the latter (conversation exchange or online tutoring), we’ve taken the benefits of both options and created Rype.

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